0x13: 320x200x8位彩色模式,可以显示256种颜色
- 0x03:80x25,也就是master分支使用的文本模式
- 0x12:640x480x4位彩色模式,
The video memory consists of four ‘planes’ (individual units) of memory, each with a size of 64KB, giving the VGA 256k of video memory. Connected to it is the Sequencer, which interprets this memory to generate colors which are fed to the subsequent stages. The way colors are organized in this memory mainly depends on the color depth.
组成.(?不确定)在320x200下只用到了plane 0
Memory Layout in 256-color graphics modes
In this mode, each byte of video memory describes exactly one pixel. Pixels are generated by increasing address in linear mode, with all colors taken from plane 0. In planar mode (Also known as Mode X) each address describes 4 consecutive pixels, one from each plane. Plane 0 describing the first pixel, plane 1 the next, and so on. Technically speaking this is what always happens, but the standard 320x200x256 mode “chains” the planes such that 2 lowest order bits select the plane and the memory thus appears linear.
In linear mode, each byte in host memory corresponds to one pixel on the display, making this mode very easy to use. Mode X requires the use of Plane Write Enable register to select the plane to be written
此模式下,每一个字节用来描述一个像素,线性模式下地址增加产生像素.(Mode X下一个地址的byte产生4个像素,来自plane0-4)
Port 0x3C8
Port 0x3C8, 0x3C9 and 0x3C7 control the DAC. Each register in the DAC consists of 18 bits(DAC中的每个寄存器由18bits组成), 6 bits for each color component(每一个颜色像素占6bits). To write a color, write the color index to port 0x3C8, then write 3 bytes to 0x3C9 in the order red, green, blue. If you want to write multiple consecutive DAC entries, you only need to write the first entry’s index to 0x3C8 then write all values to 0x3C9 in the order red, green, blue, red, green, blue, and so on. The accessed DAC entry will automatically increment after every three bytes written. To read the DAC entries, write the index to be read to 0x3C7, then read the bytes from port 0x3C9 in a similar fashion (as with writing, the index will increment after every three bytes read)
- rgb的r/g/b由6bits表示,
- 写颜色前,先向0x03c8端口写入
color index
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